The Green Valley Swim Team is a non-profit organization managed by an all- volunteer committee. Through your sponsorship contributions, you help enable team events and the continual replacement of aging pool equipment, keeping our youth program strong!
As a sponsor, you will receive the following based on your level of contribution:
Gold Level- $2000
- Table Top display at all home meets
- Logo on team t-shirt
- 3 x 3 banner posted at the pool from May 1- Sept 1
- DJ Announcements at home meets
- Thank You plaque
- Ad on website
- Team shirt
- Green Valley Homeowners Gazette (circulates to more than 1000 homes)
- Feature on GVST Facebook and Instagram and other social media recognition
Silver Level- $1000
- Logo on team t-shirt
- 3 x 3 banner posted at the pool from May 1 - Sept 1
- DJ Announcements at home meets
- Thank You plaque
- Ad on website
- Team shirt
- Green Valley Homeowners Gazette
- Feature on GVST Facebook and Instagram
Bronze Sponsor- $500
- 3 x 3 banner posted at the pool from May 1 - Sept 1
- DJ Announcements at home meets
- Ad on website
- Team shirt
- Green Valley Homeowners Gazette
- Feature on GVST Facebook and Instagram
Team Sponsor - $250
- DJ Announcements at home meets
- Ad on website
- Green Valley Homeowners Gazette
- Feature on GVST Facebook and Instagram
Vendor Donations (ie. Food and other products) are welcome.
NEW for 2024: Add 1 custom e-Blast to our GVST families for $500 when you purchase any of the above sponsorship packages!
For further information download the sponsor packet below or contact Lisa Kudukis at 714.477.3340.
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