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Frequently Asked Questions

Preparing for Meets

How do I sign in my swimmers for meets?

  1. Log on to our website using your email log on for Swimtopia and your Swimtopia password. (upper right-hand side of the website)
  2. Go to “Meets & Events” tab.
  3. Select meet, ie. Dolphin Classic, May 11th.
  4. Select green “MEET ENTRY” button on the right.
  5. Select blue “EDIT” button.
  6. Next to each child’s name is a drop down box, select: ”attending” or “not attending”.
  7. Select if your child is available for relays. (Available for ALL relays; Arriving late, not available for early relays; Leaving early, not available for late relays or Not available for ANY relays)
  8. Fill in Coaches notes, for example: if you can make first half or second half only. Any requests for events can be placed here, as well.
  9. Select blue SAVE button.
  10. Select blue link BACK to SWIM MEETS.
  11. Repeat steps for all swim meets.

*Please note: Signing your swimmer out of a meet does not relieve you of your scheduled jobs.

What should I bring to a swim meet?

Here are recommended items to bring:

  1. thin towels with your name on them (3 per swimmer recommended)
  2. EZ-up for shade
  3. chairs for each person in your group
  4. sunscreen
  5. 2 goggles (it’s good to have a backup pair)
  6. GVST swim cap
  7. competition swimsuit (a GVST team suit or a solid black suit)
  8. sharpie
  9. games to play
  10. hat to cover face and head
  11. flip flops
  12. $ to buy food, snacks, etc. at food booth

Here is one mother’s advice for getting your family ready for a swim meet.

Swim Meets

What is the team uniform for meets?

A GVST swimsuit or a solid black swimsuit, and a GVST swim cap.

How do I know in which events my kids are swimming?

Download the free Swimtopia app on your phone, and login using the email and password you used to register for the team. This app lists your swimmer’s events and your volunteer jobs, and will eventually list your swimmer’s best times for each event.

Also, be sure to check the line-up board posted by the pool when arriving for a meet, as sometimes changes are made the morning of the meet.

When do my swimmers line up for their events?

For swimmers 8 and under, listen for the announcements from the megaphone, and have your swimmer head to the lane line-up tents, with their cap on and goggles in hand, upon hearing the announcements. Swimmers ages 9 and up are responsible for getting themselves to the blocks and lining up in the correct lane and heat. They should get there at least 2 events prior to the events they are scheduled to swim.

What time do swim meets start, and how long do they last?

Swimmer check-in begins at 7:30, warm-ups begin at 8:00 (staggered by age group), and the meet begins at 9:00.

Most meets usually end between 2:00 and 3:00, but it can depend on the size of the team that we’re swimming against, and the number of lanes in the pool in which we’re competing.

If your swimmer is only available for part of the meet, please indicate that when you check him or her in on the website.

Volunteer Jobs

How many volunteer jobs does my family need to work?

Each family is required to have a total of 5 volunteer points. Most jobs are 1 point per shift, except for working at the grill, which is 2 points. There is a buyout option of $500 (does not apply to relay finals and finals).

How do I know what my volunteer jobs are?

  1. Log on to our website with your Swimtopia login email and password
  2. Go to the top right of your screen and look for Welcome "YOUR NAME"
  3. Once you highlight with your mouse over this area a drop down list will appear; click on "MY ACCOUNT"
  4. The following screen will list your volunteer job assignments by date, event, and time. Please make sure you have them in your calendar.

*You can also use the Swimtopia app to see your volunteer jobs. (Look for events listed below your family’s name. Any colored dot with your initial or spouse/partner's initial will show you have a job that day (orange, red, blue, green; each one of these colors represents your family/swimmer)

What time do I need to arrive for my volunteer jobs?

Volunteers must check in by 7:30 am at the designated check-in tent.

*Set-up crew should arrive by 6:00am, food booth by 6:45am, and lane line-up by 7:15am

What do I report for 2nd half volunteer jobs?

If possible, please check in by 8:00 at the meet managers’ table. Your 2nd half job usually won’t start until around 11:00, but we’d like to have you checked in early. We usually take a short break in between the 15-18 boys breaststroke event (event #36) and the 5-6 girls butterfly (event #37), and that is when we switch over to 2nd half jobs. Listen for announcements for 2nd half volunteers, and please report to your position promptly.

How do I hire a teen worker to fill my volunteer position?

You can access the list of teen workers on our website, under the “Meets and Events” tab. If you have hired a teenager to work, email the teen volunteer’s name to the meet managers at [email protected], have $60.00 in an envelope with his or her name, and give the envelope to one of the meet managers. Please do not Venmo the teen worker before he or she works the shift.  We want to make sure shifts are covered prior to teen workers being paid.  If you do not show up or get your job covered, there will be a $100 fine.

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